Our training catalogue

  • Green, STEAM and Cultural education. Outdoor exploration, study and story-telling (Tropea & Coast of the Gods) hot

    OBJECTIVES Encourage the exploration of Europe's rich and diverse cultural and environmental heritage of Tropea, "Coast of the Gods" and its countryside Understanding principles, methods and tools to implement Green, STEAM and Cultural education Celebrate, understand and protect the unique value of cultural and environmental heritage Acquiring non-formal education methods and tools to foster students’ [...]
  • ICT for education. Digital and web tools for an effective blended, flipped and cooperative learning new

    OBJECTIVES Become aware of key issues related to digital literacy in education, within the context of cooperative learning, blended learning and flipped classroom Reflect, discuss and review on blended, flipped and cooperative teaching and learning by integrating technology and web tools Getting inspired by best practices on how ICT can enhance students motivation, participation, entrepreneurship [...]
  • Interactive ICT-based, web and digital tools for an effective blended, flipped and cooperative learning (ON-LINE EDITION) (Copia) new



    You get the 50% discount (€ 74) when registering to any of our physical courses! While the regular price is € 149.

  • Italian cooking and UNESCO Mediterranean diet: an interactive experience! hot

    CALENDAR Please check here OBJECTIVES Discovering and learning Italian traditional cooking and UNESCO Mediterranean diet: features, flavours, ingredients, products, recipes, social and cultural values, celebrating the “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018” Learning/improving practical skills, techniques, procedures of cooking and realising a full Italian menu Reflect on health, well-being and sustainability Stimulating professional and business [...]
  • Management and marketing of environmental, cultural and social heritage for sustainable tourist destinations and companies hot

    OBJECTIVES Analysing features and trends of tourism markets related to culture and nature, including food and agro-industry Learning efficient and effective techniques and methodologies of sustainable and effective management and marketing of cultural and environmental heritage Learning from Italian and international best practice and case-histories Stimulating innovative ideas for a sustainable development of tourist destinations [...]
  • Music & Art Therapy for Promoting Emotional Intelligence and Enhancing Creativity in the Classroom (Barcelona)

    OBJECTIVES Understand the role of music and art in developing emotional intelligence and creativity Explore and apply therapeutic techniques that can enhance student engagement and emotional regulation emotional intelligence Explore and apply methods to boost collaboration and emotional growth and create a supportive, dynamic classroom environment Develop strategies to integrate creative arts into classroom settings [...]
  • Non-formal education methods and innovative digital tools for CLIL and Cultural education hot

    CALENDAR Please check here OBJECTIVES Understanding non-formal education principles, within the context of cooperative learning, blended learning and flipped classroom Acquiring effective and best practice methods and tools Checking how to transfer non-formal education to formal contexts in order to foster key competences, participation and learning of students Familiarise with principles, powerful techniques, tips and [...]
  • Progettazione Europea e Project Management per Professionisti/Scuole/Enti Locali/Terzo Settore hot

    OBIETTIVI Familiarizzare con Europa 2020 e le altre principali strategie e politiche comunitarie Conoscere il quadro finanziario, le Iniziative ed i Programmi europei diretti, i fondi strutturali nazionali e regionali 2014-2020 Comprendere obiettivi, caratteristiche, condizioni di partecipazione e casi di successo di Horizon2020, Sme Instrument, Erasmus+, Europa Creativa, Europa per i Cittadini, Innovazione&Occupazione sociale (EaSI), [...]
  • Project and Competence Based Learning: innovative and effective methods and tools

    Course title on the European School Education Platform School leadership through Educational innovation, Project and competence based learning and Entrepreneurship (link to ESEP here) OBJECTIVES Become aware of key issues related to Project Based Learning, within the context of cooperative learning, blended learning and flipped classroom Become aware of key issues related to Competence Based [...]